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Akshay Oberoi calls Fighter director Siddharth Anand Steven Spielberg of India! Thu February 01st, 2024
Akshay Oberoi calls Fighter director Siddharth Anand Steven Spielberg of India!
In the world of film, Siddharth Anand's Fighter has stirred things up, enthralling audiences from the moment its amazing trailer was released. The film has gained immense popularity because to its remarkable airborne moments, outstanding background score, and captivating characters who have a great chemistry with one another. Fighter offers a great audio experience in addition to being a visual extravaganza, thanks to its chart-topping soundtrack.
Since its recent theatrical debut, the movie has received praise from industry insiders as well as favorable reviews and reactions from viewers. In a recent interview, Akshay Oberoi, who played a major role in the movie, expressed his respect for the filmmaker.
Fighter is primarily on fighter pilots, with an emphasis on the Air Force's Air Dragons squad. The movie has received recognition for both its aerial combat scenes and its accurate depiction of the Air Force.
Speaking with a daily, Akshay Oberoi said that the movie could have gone wrong in a number of ways, but everything worked out flawlessly because of Siddharth Anand. He praised the director's amazing work and expressed his hope that he would be given credit for directing such a difficult picture. Oberoi expressed his admiration for Anand and compared him to India's version of Steven Spielberg.
Oberoi kept praising Anand in spite of his demands to stop, drawing a comparison to the effect Spielberg's Jurassic Park had on him. He emphasized the film's degree of entertainment and computer graphics, saying that Fighter represents India's pinnacle of cinematic brilliance. Oberoi genuinely hoped Siddharth Anand gets the recognition he merits for his superb performance in the movie.
Those who have watched the movie are aware of the difficult circumstance Oberoi's character finds herself in. Reflecting on this, the actor shared that Anand had told him, "When you watch the film, you'll thank me," at a point when Akshay didn't fully comprehend the director's perspective. Nevertheless, after seeing the movie, he did thank them. Akshay has been expressing gratitude to Anand ever since he agreed to work on the movie, but he just realized that the director was alluding to Bash's powerful character graph.
Akshay explained, "Now I get it, what an impact that scene has. And you know what happens post interval and the whole second half. You feel the whole energy in the theatre change. They're crying for your character. To have such a big commercial movie with such big stars and leave that impact, I feel very grateful."


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Tags : Akshay Oberoi,Siddharth Anand,Film Fighter,Top Stories,Steven Spielberg Of India