Dunki is an Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama film based on an illegal immigration technique named, "Donkey Flight". It is directed by Rajkumar Hirani, who co-wrote the screenplay with Abhijat Joshi and Kanika Dhillon. Produced under the banner of Red Chillies Entertainment and Jio Studios, it stars Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and Boman Irani.
Plot: Based on the concept of "Donkey Flight", an unlawful backdoor entry technique for nations like United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, Dunki depicts the lives of Indians who choose to enter the nation using this illegal process and struggle to return home.
movies released by b4u
Two siblings, who despite their difference in ideologies come together to fight for their.. more...
Waltair Veerayya, a notorious fisherman-cum-smuggler from Vizag, needs money to fight a.. more...